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Lung Cancer Screening & Diagnosis

Cancer Support & Wellness

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The Riverside Healthcare Lung Screening Program offers lung cancer screenings for individuals at high risk. The multidisciplinary program is under the direction of Pulmonary Medicine, Radiology, Thoracic Surgery, and Oncology services. Patients are encouraged to visit www.shouldiscreen.com as a preliminary resource to assess individual lung cancer risk.

Riverside’s Bourbonnais, Frankfort and Kankakee campuses are designated ACR Lung Cancer Screening Centers. Lung Cancer Screening & Diagnosis is a safe, effective diagnostic care for individuals at the highest risk for lung cancer.

Screening Criteria

  • 50-77 years old
  • Asymptomatic
  • Current OR Former Smoker (Must have quit within last 15 years)
  • Smoking Pack Years of at least 20 pack years (Packs smoked per day multiplied by the number of years smoked, for example, one pack per day x 20 years, two packs per day x 10 years.)

What to Expect

content image Individuals who meet high-risk guidelines will meet with a CT technologist to review their personal history and then have a low-dose chest CT scan.

The CT procedure is painless and quick. No drugs or injections are used. Lung Cancer Screening & Diagnosis. You may be asked to allow a half hour for the appointment.

Lung Cancer Screening & Diagnosis during an office visit.

If you don't have a physician, Riverside Healthcare can assist you with referrals to Riverside Medical Group providers.

How to Schedule Your Lung Cancer Screening Appointment

An annual CT Low Dose Lung Cancer Screening is recommended for high-risk individuals.

Please call Riverside Outpatient Scheduling at (815) 935-7531 to assess your risks and schedule an appointment. A physician order/referral is required for appointment scheduling.

Testing can be performed at Bourbonnais, Frankfort and Kankakee campuses.

Follow-up and Additional Testing

Lung Cancer Screening & Diagnosis further testing or cancer treatment.

Should cancer be suspected, our team, including an imaging patient navigator, pulmonologists, surgeons, oncologists and other professionals, are available to guide you through the process.

Abnormalities are frequently found in screening CTs, especially in Lung Cancer Screening and diagnosis, which remain unchanged over time. In some cases, a course of antibiotics may be recommended if the results appear to be related to infection or lung inflammation.

Additional Information

If you smoke, a lung cancer screening could save your life by detecting it early, when it is more likely to be curable. Learn more about the American Lung Association’s Saved by the Scan initiative here. For an interactive, animated guide to lung cancer, visit youandlungcancer.com.

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