Internal Medicine Curriculum
The Internal Medicine Program residents enjoy a rotation and curriculum that offers various clinical and hospital-based experiences.

Program Rotations:
PGY-1: Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Emergency Department, OB/GYN, Selective, ICU, Anesthesia/Surgery, Geriatrics, Clinic
PGY-2: GI-Inpatient, ICU, Selective, Nephrology, Pulmonology, IM, CCU, Clinic, ID
PGY-3: ICU, IM, Endo/Allergy, Neurology, Selective, Clinic, Heme/Onc
The following is a list of some of the many didactics we provide:
- Mayo Board Review
- Morning Report
- Journal Club
- EKG Conference
- Pathology Conference
- Radiology Conference
- Pulmonology Conference
- Sub-Specialty Didactic Lectures
Internal Medicine Call:
Between the 15 Internal Medicine residents, Riverside GME maintains 24-hour in-house coverage on a rotating basis based on PGY academic year.

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If you need more information about our programs or have any questions, we are here to help.
Call Us: (815) 928-6264
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Internal Medicine Curriculum
Residents in the Internal Medicine Program enjoy a curriculum that offers a wide variety of clinical and hospital-based experiences.
View Curriculum