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Riverside Foundation

You can help Riverside Medical Center by making a gift to the Riverside Healthcare Foundation. Your gift can be directed toward a specific program or service, or you can leave your gift unrestricted so that we may use it where the need is greatest. All gifts made to the Foundation are used for the sole benefit of the hospital and the community we serve.

If you would like to become a member of the Riverside family of supporters, visit our Online Giving Portal or contact the foundation office at (815) 933-7799.

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Generosity Heals

We believe that generosity is a powerful healing force. Acts of generosity heal the recipient as well as the giver. In fact, even those observing a selfless act of generosity find healing and inspiration. At Riverside, we desire to ignite your benevolent spirit by linking you with opportunities that match your passions.

Established in 1968, the Riverside Healthcare Foundation builds philanthropic support for Riverside Healthcare. We articulate Riverside's mission, goals, accomplishments and needs for the future of healthcare in our region, and create pathways for new and existing partners to engage in them. We seek to build a vigorous community-wide culture of philanthropy and to find new, imaginative ways to be generous as an organization, believing that the example of generosity for one engenders generosity for all. Through gifts from our patients, physicians, employees, members of the community, corporations and foundations, we help ensure that the most technologically advanced, kindest, highest quality, readily accessible healthcare is available to residents in our region. To our philanthropic partners, we owe our highest admiration and our deepest appreciation.